Indoor classes and soft play back from Monday 17th May

With the governments roadmap out of lockdown continuing we are delighted that we are able to continue our phased rollout of our reopening plans.
Our Class timetable will include indoor classes from Monday 17th May.
The timetable will include a range of indoor classes including HIIT, Stages Flight, Aerobics, Yoga, Pilates, Aqua Aerobics and many more! Booking is available up to 7 days inadvance for members.
Our Soft Play area will also be reopening for selected sessions, these need to be booked in advance with our reception team.
Opening hours will be:
Monday – Friday
- 10.00am – 11.00am
- 12.00pm – 1.00pm
- 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Saturday – Sunday
- 10.00am – 11.00am
- 12.00am – 1.00pm
- 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Please observe the following points when using the soft play area;
- Only one adult per child / children
- Sessions are available in one hour slots
- Restricted numbers apply
- Adults to wear a face covering if not exempt throughout the child’s play sessions
- Adult and children to use hand sanitiser prior to entering the soft play area
Further information on the activities available can be found here
We are still adhering to the government guidelines and are working hard to keep you safe whilst you enjoy your activity. We have Covid measures in place including
- Continuous cleaning regime
- One way paths and queueing systems in place around the centre.
- Activities should be pre-booked and paid for via contactless or cashless payments where possible
- Equipment may be removed or temporarily unavailable to allow everyone to enjoy their activity safely.
We would ask you to help us by keeping to these measure to ensure that we can keep everyone safe.